Special Forum

The breakdown in ROK-Japan relations in the second half of 2019 has sent shock waves across some countries and caused others to salivate about how their aspirations might be realized. At a time of uncertainty about security, economics, and even the nature of the regional order, the possibilities are many for speculation about how the breakdown will end. Is this latest twist in the ups and downs in the relationship between two vital US allies just another turn in the cycle of mistrust over history that is repeatedly countered by US reminders of common interests? Or is it a reflection of a fundamental transformation occurring in both countries and the Northeast Asian region? Will the outcome be felt mainly in the US-led alliance triangle system, in the way North Korea is addressed through this triangle, or in the entire regional order including China and Russia? Discussions of the causes, evolution, and impact of the breakdown provide clues as to what is anticipated in Japan, South Korea, the United States, and China with Russia to follow.

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