Cha Du Hyeogn
Vice President ; Principal Fellow ; Supervisor, Research and Planning ; Director
Center for Foreign Policy and National Security
Areas of Expertise : Politics & Military of North Korea, U.S.-ROK Alliance, National Crisis Management
Vice President ; Principal Fellow ; Supervisor, Research and Planning ; Director
Center for Foreign Policy and National Security
Areas of Expertise : Politics & Military of North Korea, U.S.-ROK Alliance, National Crisis Management
Dr. Cha Du Hyeogn is a North Korea Study expert who has shown various research performances on North Korean Politics and Military, U.S.-ROK Alliance, and National Crisis Management, etc. He is the Principal Fellow of Asan Institute for Policy Studies, holding an additional post as Visiting Professor of Graduate Institute of Peace Studies in Kyung Hee University. He also has served as Adjunct Professor of University of North Korean Studies (2017~2019), Senior Foreign Affairs Advisor to the Governor of GyeongGi Provincial Government (2015~2018), Visiting Scholar of Korea Institute for National Unification (2015-2017), the Executive Vice President of the Korea Foundation (2011~2014). Before these careers, he was also a Research Fellow at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA, 1989~2012) and the Acting Secretary for Crisis Information to the ROK President Lee Myung Bak (2008). He has worked more than 20 years in KIDA as various positions including Director of Defense Issues Task force (2005~2006), Director of Arms Control Researches (2007), Director of North Korea Studies (2009). Dr. Cha received his M.A. and Ph.D. degree of Political Science from Yonsei University. He has written more than 100 research papers and co-authored books on diverse fields of security and International relations. He has advised for various governmental organizations.
Ph.D. of Political Science, Graduate School of Yonsei Univ.
M.A. of Political Science, Graduate School of Yonsei Univ.
B.A. of Politics & Diplomacy, Yonsei University
Director of Defense Issues Task Force, Korea Institute of Defense Analyses(KIDA)
Director of North Korea Researches, Director of Arms Control Researches, KIDA
Acting Secretary of Crisis Information, Blue House
Executive Vice President for Program Management, Korea Foundation