Past Events


Due to China’s rapid rise and North Korea’s violent behavior, the security in Northeast Asia is once again becoming unstable. To analyze the volatile security environment of the region, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted a Symposium on “China’s Rise, North Korea’s Provocations and Northeast Asian Security” with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on Thursday, December 16.
The Symposium brought together world-renowned experts from both the ROK and the US to answer such questions as “Will the U.S. accommodate or contain China’s rise?” “Why does China continue to bluntly support North Korea?” “How are North Korea’s provocations related to its power succession and what are the available measures should an emergency situation arise in North Korea?” “Have the six-party talks ended and is there an alternative?” “What is the role of the ROK-US alliance?”

Participants included Victor CHA (CSIS), CHOI Kang (IFANS), Thomas CHRISTENSEN (Princeton University), Gordon FLAKE (Mansfield Foundation), HAHM Chaibong (The Asan Institute), JO Dong-ho (Ewha Womans University), KIM Heungkyu (Sungshin Women’s University), LEE Chung-Min (Yonsei University), and Scott SNYDER (The Asia Foundation).