Yukon Huang
Dr. Huang is a senior associate in the Carnegie Asia Program, where his research focuses on China’s economic development and its impact on Asia and the global economy. Previously, he was the World Bank’s country director for China (1997?2004), and for Russia and the former Soviet Union Republics of Central Asia (1992?1997). Before that, he served as lead economist for Asia and chief for Country Assistance Strategies at the World Bank. He has also held positions at the U.S. Treasury and various universities in the United States, Tanzania, and Malaysia. He is the A-List commentator for the Financial Times on China, and his articles also appear frequently in other major media such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Foreign Affairs, and CNN. Dr. Huang has published widely on development issues, recently co-editing the book East Asia Visions, a collection of papers by noted Asian scholars on future prospects for the region. He recently completed a volume entitled Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia. He is an adviser to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, as well as to various governments and companies.