Kim Byung Joo
The Honorable General Kim Byung Joo (retired) is a Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. He is also a member of the National Defense Committee. A retired career military officer, Representative Kim served in the ROK Army for over 39 years from his entry into the Korea Military Academy until his retirement from active duty in 2018 at the top ROK military rank of a four-star general. During his early years in the service, he, as an artillery officer, finished his Officer Advanced Course in the U.S. Army Field Artillery School. In his final position, he served as the Deputy Commander of the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command. In his first year as a lawmaker, he main-sponsored a resolution asking for support for the ROK-U.S. Alliance, the very first one ever to pass the plenary session of the National Assembly.