2018MAR08 Upcoming Events Asan Special Forum 2018: China’s Intervention in New Zealand and Canada Date/Time: Thursday, March 8, 2018 / 10:00-11:30am / Location: Washington, D.C.
2014JUN27 Past Events Roundtable with senior Australian media delegation Asia-Pacific Editors of The Australian and Australian Financial Review Tags : Australia
2013OCT23 Past Events Asan-CIGI-ASPI-Seoul Forum Workshop Closed workshop with the Centre of International Governance Innovation, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, and the Seoul Forum for International Affairs. Tags : Asia-Pacific, ASPI, CIGI, constructive powers, governance, non-traditional security, regional security, security challenges, security environment, Seoul Forum, structural changes
2013OCT14 Past Events Asan Australia-New Zealand Dialogue 2013 A series of meetings, roundtables, and conferences with leading Australian and New Zealand think tanks and universities. Tags : Asan Australia-New Zealand Dialogue, Asia-Pacific Century, ASPI, Australian perspective, East Asian regional order, Korea-Australia Strategic Cooperation, Korea-New Zealand cooperation, Korean perspective, Lowy Institute, NZ Foundation, roadshow
2013SEP01 Past Events “ROK and Australian Pivotal Middle Power Cooperation” Closed roundtable with Sam Gerovich, former Australian Ambassador to Korea. Tags : closed roundtable, middle power cooperation, pivotal middle power, ROK-Australia 2+2 meeting, ROK-Australia cooperation, Sam Gerovich
2013AUG26 Past Events Bruce Cumings, “Back to the Future: Obama’s ‘Pivot’ to … Closed roundtable with Bruce Cummings, chairman of the History Department at the University of Chicago. Tags : Back to the Future, Bruce Cumings, closed roundtable, historical perspective, Obama Administration, Pivot to Asia, University of Chicago, US rebalancing
2013JUL24 Issue Briefs A 2+2 for the Future: The First Korea-Australia Foreign and Defence Ministers’ Meeting By Lee Jaehyon, Joo Haeri Korea and Australia have a golden opportunity to take the bilateral relationship to the next level. Tags : 2+2 Meeting, Australia, Foreign and Defense Ministers' Meeting, Korea-Australia relations, middle power cooperation, middle power diplomacy, regional security, ROK
2013JUL02 Past Events “President Park’s Southeast Asia Policy” Asan-ROK MOFA joint closed workshop. Tags : ARF, ASEAN, Asia-Pacific, correspondents, Korean Peninsula, MOFA, multilateral security cooperation, workshop
2013JUL01 Latest Activities Luncheon with United States Institute of Peace (USIP) President <Luncheon with United States Institute of Peace (USI […]
2013JUN27 Past Events Asan-Murdoch Commission Roundtable, “Middle Power Cooperation in the … Closed roundtable with the Murdoch Commission of Western Australia. Tags : Asia-Pacific, Asian Century, Australia, Korea-Australia relations, Korean foreign policy, middle power, middle power cooperation, Murdoch Commission of Australia, public opinion, regional security, Southeast Asia, University of Adelaide