2014OCT14 Past Events Challenges and Opportunities Facing US-Japan Relations: A US Perspective Asan Dosirak Series with Brad Glossserman, Executive Director of Pacific Forum CSIS. Tags : US-Japan relations
2014OCT08 Past Events Asan Roundtable on North Korea’s High-level Visit to the 2014 Incheon Asian … Tags : Asian Games, inter-Korean relations, North Korea
2014OCT06 Past Events Roundtable with Shephard W. Hill, Boeing International Roundtable with Shephard W. Hill, President of Boeing International and Senior VP for Business Development and Strategy. Tags : America, Roundtable
2014SEP18 Publications Outside Looking in: A View into the North Korean Economy By J. James Kim, Han Minjeong Can North Korea adopt economic reforms like China, Vietnam, or Mongolia? Tags : Asan Report, North Korea
2014AUG18 Issue Briefs Middle East Q&A: ISIS, Kurdistan, and Korea By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee The Korean government also has a stake in defending the people of Iraq against the ISIS onslaught. Tags : iraq, kurds, Middle East, regional security, terrorism
2014JUL23 Past Events Sean Theriault, “The Gingrich Senators and Party Polarization in the … Roundtable with Prof. Sean Theriault, University of Texas at Austin Tags : conservatives, party politics, U.S. Senate
2014JUL22 Issue Briefs Towards a Framework for Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Challenges and Opportunities By J. James Kim, Park Jiyoung, Choi Hyeonjung Efforts need to be made to address energy security cooperation at the regional level. Tags : Regional Issue
2014JUL17 Issue Briefs Unknown Horror or Deliberate Indifference? By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee A Comparative Analysis of Human Rights Violations in North Korea and Syria. Tags : North Korea, North Korean human rights, Regional Issue, Syria
2014JUL08 Past Events Efraim Inbar, “An Israeli Perspective on the Middle East” Roundtable with Efraim Inbar, Director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in Israel. Tags : Israel