2017JAN25 Issue Briefs A Shrimp Between Two Whales? Koreans’ View of the US-China Rivalry and THAAD By Kim Jiyoon, John J. Lee, Kang Chungku [Issue Brief] Kim Jiyoon, John J. Lee, Kang Chungku Tags : China, Public Opinion Surveys, South Korea, THAAD, U.S.
2017JAN17 Issue Briefs Trump Time: Koreans’ View of ROK-US Relations By Kim Jiyoon, John J. Lee, Kang Chungku [Issue Brief] Kim Jiyoon, John J. Lee, Kang Chungku Tags : Public Opinion Surveys, ROK-US relations, South Korea, Trump
2016OCT05 Issue Briefs Obama’s Nuclear Legacy: Reconciliation and Nonproliferation in Asia after Hiroshima By Leif-Eric Easley [Issue Brief] Leif-Eric Easley
2016SEP29 Issue Briefs What are potential Japanese reactions to North Korea’s nuclear threat? By Kim Chong Woo [Issue Brief] Kim Chong Woo
2016AUG12 Issue Briefs Disaggregated ISIS and the New Normal of Terrorism By Jang Ji-Hyang [Issue Brief] Jang Ji-Hyang Tags : ISIS, terrorism
2016JAN07 Issue Briefs 就北韩第四次核试验相关研判与对策座谈 By Chun Yungwoo, Choi Kang, Park Jiyoung, Go Myong-Hyun, Ahn Sung Kyoo [Issue Brief] 助爆型裂变武器显现核弹头小型化之可能性… 决定部署“萨德”系统的时机
2016JAN07 Issue Briefs North Korea’s 4th Nuclear Test and the Int’l Response By Chun Yungwoo, Choi Kang, Park Jiyoung, Go Myong-Hyun, Ahn Sung Kyoo [Special Round Table] The possibility of a miniaturized boosted nuclear fission bomb and the THAAD decision Tags : 4th nuclear test, North Korea
2015DEC29 Issue Briefs Upgrading Myanmar-China Relations to International Standards By Jonathan T. Chow, Leif-Eric Easley [Issue Brief] Jonathan T. Chow, Leif-Eric Easley Tags : alliance, China, democratization, development, foreign aid, Myanmar, political reform, trade
2015NOV10 Issue Briefs Implications of China’s Ballistic Missiles for Korean National Security By Ahn Sung Kyoo, Choi Kang, Kweon Eun Yul [Issue Brief] Ahn Sung Kyoo, Choi Kang, Kweon Eun Yul Tags : Ballistic missile, China
2015OCT30 Issue Briefs Ms. Park Goes to Washington: The Seoul Take By J. James Kim, Kang Chungku, Han Minjeong [Issue Brief] J. James Kim, Chungku Kang, Minjeong Han