2012OCT10 Issue Briefs HISTORY AND PRIMARY: THE OBAMA RE-ELECTION By Helmut Norpoth Democrat Barack Obama is going to defeat Republican Mit […] Tags : Democratic, election, Hebmut Norpath, Obama, Primary Vote, Republican, White House
2012SEP27 Issue Briefs The Curious Case of Post-Authoritarian Politics: Explaining “Muslim Rage” and the Innocence of Muslims Protests By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee New-found political freedom is colliding with the corrosive legacies of decades of authoritarian rule. Tags : Anti-Americanism, Islam, Muslim, Rage
2012SEP18 Issue Briefs Stressing the Linchpin: The US-ROK Alliance and ‘Rebalancing’ to Asia By Brad Glosserman In recent years, the US-ROK alliance has scaled new hei […] Tags : alliance, Asia, Asia-Pacific Region, Brad Glosserman, CSIS, DPRK, rebalancing, Security, TPP
2012AUG19 Issue Briefs Varieties of Capitalism Revisited: The Continued Relevance of Western Capitalism (Korean) By Jang Ji-Hyang The Western model of capitalism remains relevant for developing and developed countries alike.
2012MAY04 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 25] Implications of the KORUS FTA for Upcoming Sino-Korean FTA Negotiations By 刘 群 2012年3月15日,韩美自由贸易协定(FTA)正式生效。这是继2011年7月1日韩欧FTA生效后,韩国再次和 … Tags : KORUS FTA, Liu Qun, Negotiation, policy, ROK-US Alliance, Sino-Korean Economic Relations
2012APR16 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No.24] The 20th ASEAN Summit: Time Is of the Essence By Jonathan T. Chow On April 3, 2012, the 20th Summit of the Association of […] Tags : ASEAN, Cambodia, Economic Community, Jonathan Chow, Myanmar, South China Sea, Summit, Vietnam
2012MAR11 Issue Briefs Oil Price Stability Expected Despite the Iranian Crisis: Iran Striving for Depoliticized OPEC By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee International oil prices are likely to stabilize in the long-term owing to the cooperation-inducing systems within OPEC. Tags : economy, Iran, Oil, OPEC, sanctions
2012MAR08 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 19] Japan’s Border Disputes: Dokdo at the Center of Bigger Things By Alexis Dudden Regardless of whether the European Union (EU) is a good […] Tags : Alexis Dudden, disputes, Dokdo, international law, Japan
2012FEB13 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 18] Keeping a Comfortable Distance: Myanmar’s Reforms, the American “Pivot to Asia” and Implications for … By Jonathan T. Chow Since the middle of 2011, the nominally civilian govern […] Tags : ASEAN, China, Jonathan Chow, Myanmar, reform, Trans-Pacific Partnership
2012JAN31 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 17] Preparing for North Korean Collapse1 By Jennifer Lind The death of Kim Jong-il has fueled increased concern a […] Tags : China, Collapse, humanitarian aid, Jennifer Lind, North Korea, Refugee