2013JUN26 Past Events Richard Weitz, "U.S. Missile Defense and Its Implications for China, … 34th Dosirak Series with Experts with Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, Asian implications, BMD, China, DPRK, Hudson Institute, Japan, MD, Northeast Asia, Richard Weitz, ROK, Russia, US
2013MAY08 Issue Briefs Managing Political Transitions in Seoul and Washington: The ROK-US 123 Agreement By Bong Youngshik, John J. Lee Korean and American perspectives on the future of ROK-US civil nuclear cooperation. Tags : 123 Agreement, alliance, North Korea, Nuclear, Regional Issue, ROK-US
2013FEB19 Publications Future of the ROK-US Alliance Report based on discussions from a May 25, 2012 Strategic Dialogue co-hosted with the Center for Strategic and …
2012DEC04 Past Events T. J. Pempel, "The American Election and Its Implications for Asia" 27th Asan Dosirak Series with T. J. Pempel, Jack M. Forcey Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, East Asia, elections, Pivot to Asia, ROK-US Alliance
2012OCT14 Past Events Future of the United States-Republic of Korea Relationship On October 15, the Korea Economic Institute, the Asan I […] Tags : Asia-Pacific, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Korea Economic Institute, survey, US role
2012OCT08 Past Events Shi Yuanhua, "America’s Role in the ‘Strategic Cooperative … The 4th Asan China Inji Lecture with Shi Yuanhua, Director of the Center for Korean Studies at Fudan University. Tags : America's role, Asan China Recognition Forum, China, Shi Yuanhua, South Korea, Strategic Cooperative Partnership