Asan Plenum

Dr. Ivanov joined the Center for East Asian and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Studies in 2009, and since February 2012 he has been Chief Editor of the Japanese language site of the “Voice of Russia” state radio company. From 1983?1990 he worked as a programming expert in the Computer Center of the USSR Council of Ministers, and then from 1992?1995 he was a correspondent for Japan Today. After returning from Japan in 1995, Dr. Ivanov became a staff writer at the New Times political weekly, and then from 1997?2008 he worked as a correspondent for the Kommersant national daily. From 2008?2010 he worked as a foreign editor of Ekho Planety [Echo of the Planet] weekly, published by the ITAR-TASS news agency. Dr. Ivanov speaks English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. In September 2010 he received a Ph.D. in political science from the Russian Diplomatic Academy.