Asan Plenum

Mr. Nelson is Senior Vice President of Samuels International Associates, a Washington, DC consulting firm where he serves as editor and publisher of The Nelson Report, a daily “insider’s” look at foreign policy and trade issues. Mr. Nelson has been a consultant since leaving Capitol Hill in 1983 to join Teramura International, a new company designed to facilitate U.S.-Japan business and diplomatic relations. Mr. Nelson is a graduate of Phillips Academy, Andover (1962), the University of California, Berkeley (1967), and finished his graduate studies at McGill University (1969-70). His career began with United Press International, in New York, in 1967, and he has spent his professional life as a journalist and Asia-policy specialist with a focus on Asia and U.S. policy-making. His work on Capitol Hill included jobs in the Senate Democratic Policy Committee and the House International Relations Subcommittee on Asia, where he handled normalization of relations with China. He travels frequently to S. Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan and Singapore.