Asan Plenum

Dr. Chu is Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica and Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. He also serves concurrently as President of the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. He has been the Coordinator of Asian Barometer Survey, a regional network of surveys covering democracy, governance, and development issues. He currently serves on the editorial board of several international journals and has authored and edited many books. Among his recent English publications are Consolidating Third-Wave Democracies (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997), China Under Jiang Zemin (Lynne Reinner, 2000), The New Chinese Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities after the 16th Party Congress (Cambridge University Press 2004), How East Asians View Democracy (Columbia University Press, 2008) Citizens, Elections and Parties in East Asia (Lynne Reinner, 2008) and Dynamics of Local Governance in China During the Reform Era (Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, 2010).