Asan Plenum

Session: Concurrent Session 3-2
Date/Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 / 14:55-16:10
Location: Grand Ballroom Ⅲ

Duyeon Kim, Center for a New American Security

Jimbo Ken, Keio University
Ellen Kim, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Patricia Kim, Brookings Institution
Kim Young-Ho, Korea National Defense University
Wang Junsheng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Panel Description

There has been little success at defusing Asia’s strategic flashpoints. Territorial and maritime disputes continue to endure throughout the region. Conflict resolution is a distant goal at a time when states are struggling to agree to even modest crisis management mechanisms such as hotlines and rules of engagement. Accidents and miscalculations with surveillance assets and military encounters can rapidly escalate tensions. Two of the major flashpoints in Asia are the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Some countries are seeking to overturn the status quo through coercion and pressure while eroding existing agreements. What is the future of these flashpoints? Can they be effectively managed, if not resolved?