Prof. Gilbert Rozman is the Editor-in-Chief of The Asan Forum. He is also Emeritus Musgrave Professor of Sociology at Princeton University, where he taught from 1970 to 2013. He focuses on Northeast Asia, comparing countries and examining their bilateral relations with a specific emphasis on national identities. His recent books include: Chinese Strategic Thought toward Asia (Palgrave, 2010); Strategic Thinking about the Korean Nuclear Crisis: Four Countries Caught between North Korea and the United States (Palgrave, 2011); U.S. Leadership, History, and Bilateral Relations in Northeast Asia (ed., Cambridge University Press, 2011); and Asia’s Alliance Triangle: US-Japan-South Korea Relations at a Tumultuous Time (ed., Asan-Palgrave, 2015). Dr. Rozman received his B.A. from Carleton College and his Ph.D. at Princeton University.