event BI

Asan Nuclear Forum

Ambassador Bernhard has served in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an adviser on International Law, undersecretary for Administrative and Consular Affairs, ambassador and permanent representative of Denmark to the IAEA, member of the Board of Governors, vice-chairman of the Board, and an agent of the Danish Government in cases before the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. He has held Ambassadorial posts in Venezuela, Spain, the Netherlands, and Austria, and has also the permanent representative to the IAEA, CTBTO and OSCE. Ambassador Bernhard has also taught International Law and EU Law at the University of Copenhagen and has written textbooks for the university on international law and human rights. He holds a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in Law from the University of Copenhagen. After thirty seven years of diplomatic career in the Danish Foreign Service, Ambassador Bernhard retired from the Danish Foreign Service and is now an international adviser on a freelance basis.