Asan Plenum

Dr. Lee is currently a visiting fellow at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP). He previously served as vice president, director of the Center for International Development Cooperation, and senior fellow at KIEP. Dr. Lee was also Korea’s chief coordinator of Trilateral Joint Research at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy from 2001-2012. This work was jointly conducted with the Development Research Center of China and the National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA)/the Institute of Developing Economies of Japan. Currently, Dr. Lee is a member of the Expert Roundtable for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and a member of the Advisory Committee for Korea’s Economic Development Cooperation Fund. He has participated in many committees and expert groups to study the feasibility of FTAs and regional economic cooperation. Dr. Lee has written numerous books and articles on various issues such as Northeast Asian economic cooperation, East Asian economic integration, and development cooperation. He graduated from the University of Paris I (PANTHEON-SORBONNE) and completed his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Paris I.