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Asan China Forum

Dr. Lee Tai Hwan (李 泰 桓) is a senior fellow at the Sejong Insitute. He is president of Korea-China ThinkNet( an association for promoting exchange of Korean and Chinese experts in thinktank). He served as director many posts including Center for China Studies, Foreign Policy and Security Studies Program and Area Studies Program at the Institute. He has served as Executive Chairman(執行委員長) of the Korea-China Joint Research Committee of Experts (2009- present). He has also served as a member of advisory committee of the President Office. He was president of the Korean Association for Contemporary Chinese Studies and served as president of the Korean Association of Area Studies. Dr. Lee was a visiting fellow of Tokyo University in Japan. He was a visiting scholar of Beijing University and Foreign Affairs University in China. His publications include Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy in China (Seoul, 2007, in Korean), North Korea and Northeast Asia, (Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford, 2002 co-editor), “Energy Security in Northeast Asia : Competition and Cooperation” (Palgrave, Macmillan, 2008 ) and many articles.