Asan Plenum

Session: Plenary Session 4
Date/Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 / 16:20-17:40
Location: Grand Ballroom I+II

Sue Mi Terry, Council on Foreign Relations

Ahn Ho-Young, Kyungnam University
Naoko Aoki, RAND Corporation
Bruce Bennett, RAND Corporation
John Everard, Former UK Ambassador to DPRK
Morimoto Satoshi, Former Minister of Defense, Japan
Su Hao, China Foreign Affairs University

Panel Description

North Korea’s unresolved nuclear crisis is entering a new phase. North Korea’s Hwasong-18 ballistic missiles, new nuclear-armed submarines, and pre-emptive nuclear use doctrines are a danger to peace on the Korean Peninsula as well as Asia. The dangers posed by North Korea’s nuclear threat led to the Washington Declaration and the Camp David summit between South Korea, the United States, and Japan. However, anxieties persist about U.S. extended nuclear deterrence commitments. Stronger efforts should be discussed among allies, such as redeploying U.S. tactical nuclear weapons and nuclear sharing arrangements. This session explores what measures countries can take to address North Korea’s nuclear threat.