Asan Plenum

Sergio Carrera is Senior Research Fellow and Head of the JHA Section at CEPS. He is an external expert on immigration and integration for the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and he was a visiting lecturer at the University of Kent in Brussels (2009-2010). Dr. Carrera has also acted as an external expert for the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in the fields of migration and integration. He holds a Ph.D. in migration and integration from the Faculty of Law of the University of Maastricht, where he previously obtained an LL.M on “European, International and Comparative Law.” With over five years of experience in managing large-scale research projects, Dr. Carrera has participated in the management of various trans-European and international projects, such as ELISE (European Liberty and Security) and CHALLENGE (Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security). He has published extensively on the construction of the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.