Asan Plenum

1. Two background for the times:
1) Power transition or generation transition? It is the first time for China to choose top leaders without the paramount leader’s appointments: democracy within CPC.
2) Development model is the key. After thirty years of Opening and Reform, specially after the global financial crisis, the teachers are all retired; the water is too deep and the stone is two shallow. Chinese reform has reached the milestone; Chinese economic development model has to be updated from bi-engine to tri-engine: investment, export and domestic demand.
2. Focusing on China’s structural power: how much space for international system bring for China’s transition? International system will bridge the gap of the domestic difficulties for Chinese modernization. The rising structural power with the independence on the world will shape China’s behavior after the transition.
3. Personality is important but is not so important as expected. History memory or working experience or present challenges, which is more influential? Present challenges!
4. Local transition can not be neglected: focusing on society not just government. “3D” China: Developing, Diverse and Dynamic; 500 million Netizens and the fourth environment for China’s development.
5. Does Arab Spring impact China’s leadership transition? Helping or damaging their confidence?
6. The Style of China’s new leadership: confidence with cautious, open mind with optimistic, can not be just inward looking.
7. Understanding cultural awareness and cultural confidence: between culture and ideology.
8. Domestic change and its impact on China’s foreign policy: continuation with consistent or changing with cautious?