Asan Plenum

Ms. Tami E. Overby is the senior director of McLarty Associates. She advises clients on Asia and trade matters with a particular focus on Korea. She joined McLarty Associates with three decades of Asia work, including 21 years living and working in Seoul. Her most recent experience includes eight years leading the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Asia team while also serving as president of the U.S. Korea Business Council. She attended many of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiating rounds, oversaw the U.S. Coalition for TPP the Business Roundtable, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Farm Bureau and the Emergency Committee for Trade. In addition, she directed the U.S. Chamber’s APEC efforts and the U.S. ASEAN Business Coalition and Business Councils. Ms. Overby’s extensive Asia experience includes working on both high profile trade disputes with the U.S. government and McLarty Associates’ Asian trade partners as well on market access and investment issues throughout the region. During her 14-year tenure as president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, she actively supported efforts towards a bilateral trade agreement that resulted in the successful completion of the U.S. Korea Free Trade Agreement. Ms. Overby sits on the board of The Korea Society and the International Student Council, as well as the Korea Economic Institute’s Advisory Council. She received her B.S. in business administration and management from the University of Arkansas.