2014FEB20 Public Opinion Surveys South Korean Attutides on The European Union By. Kim Jiyoon, Karl Friedhoff
2013OCT07 Issue Briefs Information Sharing for Cyber-Security: Evidence from Europe By. Neil Robinson Policy-makers should take a multidisciplinary approach to understanding information exchange when responding to cyber-security. Tags : CERT, cyber attacks, cyber security, cybercrime, ENISA, Europe, information sharing, Neil Robinson, policy mechanisms, RAND Europe, Regional Issue, theoretical barriers
2012OCT21 Past Events Korean Trends 2012 The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the Briefing […] Tags : briefing, domestic politics, Korea, Korean politics, Korean Trends, Lunds University, Sweden
2012OCT03 Past Events International Trends, Transatlantic Trends The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the As […] Tags : Asan-GMF Seminar, GMF, international trends, public opinion survey, transatlantic trend
2012AUG30 Past Events Understanding the Swedish Welfare Model The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the Asan Int […] Tags : culture, economic growth, economic policies, education, employment, housing, industrial policies, social consensus, social welfare, sustainability, Swedish Welfare Model
2012JUN06 Past Events Exploring ROK-EU Security Cooperation Asan Roundtable “Exploring ROK-EU Security Cooperation” […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, Gerhard Sabathil, middle power, North Korea, ROK-EU, security cooperation, track-two dialogue
2012APR26 Past Events Asan Plenum 2012: Leadership The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the Asan P […] Tags : Asan Plenum, Asan Plenum 2012, leadership, Shin Chang-Hoon, Woo Jung-Yeop
2012MAR09 Past Events Europe’s Foreign Policy toward Northeast Asia The 17th ASAN Roundtable on “Europe’s Forei […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, Benjamin Hautecouverture, China, Christian Lechervy, engagement strategy, Europe, foreign policy, Francois Godement, Korean Peninsula, Lee Moosung, non-proliferation, Northeast Asia, proliferation, WMD
2011JUN22 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 12] Toward the Global Norm: Supporting the Minimization of Highly Enriched Uranium in the Civilian Sector By. Miles A. Pomper Over the past three decades, the United States has led […] Tags : Belarus, Civilian, HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium), IAEA, LEU (Low Enriched Uranium), Miles Pomper, Nuclear, Nuclear Security Summit, Russia