2013MAY13 Asan in the News Jang Ji-Hyang [Chosun Weekly] “A Reputation for Consistency is Essential … By. Jang Ji-Hyang Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang offers comparative analysis of Israeli and South Korean foreign policy. Tags : deterrence, game theory, Israel, Korea
2013APR09 Issue Briefs A Perspective on Korea’s Participation in the Vietnam War By. Glenn Baek Contrary to conventional wisdom, Korea's involvement in the Vietnam War was a "war of choice." Tags : Asan Survey, Forgtotten War, Glen Baek, Global Korea, Park Chung Hee, Poll, public opinion, Regional Issue, Vietnam, Vietnam War
2013FEB19 Publications Future of the ROK-US Alliance Report based on discussions from a May 25, 2012 Strategic Dialogue co-hosted with the Center for Strategic and …
2012DEC12 Past Events Book Launch for No Exit The Asan Institue for Policy Studies hosted a book […] Tags : Brookings Institute, international security, John L. Thornton China Center, Jonathan Pollack, Korean Peninsula, No Exit, North Korea, nuclear technology, nuclear weapons, political-military development
2012NOV27 Issue Briefs Impact of Presidential Elections on North Korea Policy1 By. Bruce Klingner How will the US and ROK presidential elections affect policies towards North Korea? Tags : Bruce Klingner, Heritage Foundation, military, North Korea, North Korea policy, policy, presidential election, US policy
2011NOV29 Past Events Jennifer Lind, ″The Collapse of North Korea: Military Missions and … 12th Asan Dosirak Series with Jennifer Lind, Assistant Professor of Government at Dartmouth College Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, contingency, Jennifer Lind, military stability operations, North Korea, post-collapse scenario, regime collapse
2011NOV09 Past Events Bruce Bennett, ″Some Practical Considerations in Nuclear Deterrence of North … 11th Asan Dosirak Series with Bruce Bennett, Senior Defense Analyst at the RAND Corporation. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, asymmetric threats, Bruce Bennett, deterrence by denial, Lecture, North Korea, nuclear deterrence, nuclear weapons
2011APR18 Issue Briefs THE KOREAN DEFENSE REFORM 307 PLAN by Bruce W. Bennett, The RAND Corporation By. Bruce W. Bennett THE KOREAN DEFENSE REFORM 307 PLAN by Bruce W. Bennett, […] Tags : Bruce Bennett, Cheonan, defense reform, military, North Korea, Provocations, RAND, US Military Forces
2011APR18 Past Events Korea’s Defense Reform 307 The Asan Institute for Policy Studies had a Roundtable […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, asymmetric threats, Bruce Bennett, defense budget, defense reform, Defense Reform 307, deterrence by denial, Pardee RAND, proactive deterrence
2011APR18 Past Events Breakfast Meeting with Dr. Bruce Bennett & Dr. KIM Taewoo The Asan Institute for Policy Studies had a breakf […] Tags : asymmetric threats, Bruce Bennett, contingency planning, Defense Reform Plan 307, deterrence, Kim Taewoo, Korea, military reform, national defense, OPCON transfer, punishment, retaliation, ROK, US-ROK Alliance