2013MAY29 Past Events UNSCR 1540/1874 Expert Group Meeting On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, Dr. Shin Chang-Hoon, Director […] Tags : 3rd nuclear test, Asan Daily Poll, national security, New York, North Korea, North Korean nuclear test, North Korean provocations, nuclear security, nuclear weapons program, South Korean public perception, UNSC, UNSCR 1540, UNSCR 1874
2013MAY20 Past Events Terence Roehrig, "North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program: Motivations, … 33rd Asan Dosirak Series with Experts with Terence Roehrig, Professor in National Security Affairs and Director … Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, deterrence theory, doctrine, motivation, North Korea, nuclear weapons program, nuclear weapons strategy, Terence Roehrig, US Naval War College
2013MAY19 Publications South Korea as a Responsible Nuclear Supplier CSIS-Asan Workshop on “Korea as a Responsible Nu […] Tags : Nuclear
2013MAY15 Latest Activities New Zealand-Korea Track II Dialogue New Zealand-Korea Track II Dialogue As part of the New […]
2013MAY13 Asan in the News Jang Ji-Hyang [Chosun Weekly] “A Reputation for Consistency is Essential … By. Jang Ji-Hyang Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang offers comparative analysis of Israeli and South Korean foreign policy. Tags : deterrence, game theory, Israel, Korea
2013MAY08 Issue Briefs Managing Political Transitions in Seoul and Washington: The ROK-US 123 Agreement By. Bong Youngshik, John J. Lee Korean and American perspectives on the future of ROK-US civil nuclear cooperation. Tags : 123 Agreement, alliance, North Korea, Nuclear, Regional Issue, ROK-US
2013APR30 Past Events Asan Plenum 2013 "New World Disorder" The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the Asan P […] Tags : Asan Plenum, ASEAN, Asian capitalism, China, cyber security, democracy, East Asia, economic crisis, economic regionalism, G-20, global capitalism, history issues, human security, leadership deficit, maritime security, New World Disorder, North Korea, nuclear security, Post-Arab Spring, post-crisis party systems, refugees, ROK-US Alliance, Syria, trade disputes, US pivot
2013APR09 Past Events “Do Sanctions Work? The Iran Sanctions Regime and Implications for the … Roundtable examining the efficacy of sanctions on Iran and North Korea as well as South Korea's economic … Tags : coercive tools, efficacy, humanitarian aid, Iran, Iran sanctions regime, Korea-Iran relations, Korean Peninsula, North Korea, nuclear program, unintended consequences, UNSC
2013MAR24 Past Events NSGEG Roll-Out Events for the Publication of Policy Recommendations The Asan Institute for Policy Studies, the Partnership […] Tags : Hague, international confidence, leadership, NSGEG, nuclear future, nuclear security regime, Nuclear Security Summit, PGS, policy recommendation, publication, regime cohesion, The Stanley Foundation, transparency, Vienna
2013MAR24 Past Events Vuong Thua Phong, “Key Issues in Northeast Asian Security Architecture” Roundtable with a senior Vietnamese delegation led by Mr. Vuong Thua Phong, Deputy Head of the Central … Tags : Roundtable, territorial disputes, Vietnam, Vuong Thua Phong