2013OCT23 Past Events Media Roundtable with KPF-Australia Press Fellowship Journalists Media roundtable with Australian journalists from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC News 24, Walkley … Tags : foreign correspondents, inter-Korean relations, KPF, KPF-Australia Press Fellowship Journalists, media roundtable, Northeast Asian regional security
2013OCT14 Issue Briefs Rethinking Public Opinion on Korea-Japan Relations By. Karl Friedhoff, Kang Chungku There is clear public support for President Park to take steps to repair the relationship with Japan. Tags : country favorability, favorability of leaders, GSOMIA, Kang Chungku, Karl Friedhoff, Korea-Japan relations, Park-Abe Summit, public opinion, public opinion survey
2013SEP12 Past Events Viorel Isticioaia Budura, Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific, European … Closed Roundtable with Viorel Isticioaia Budura, Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific, European External … Tags : closed roundtable, Delegation of the EU to the ROK, East Asia, EEAS, EU, Korean Peninsula, Viorel Isticioaia Budura
2013SEP02 Past Events US-ROK-Japan Extended Deterrence Trilateral Joint workshop between the Asan Institute and Pacific Forum CSIS. Tags : balance of power, China, extended deterrence, military reform, national defense posture, North Korea, reassurance, regional stability, strategic perspectives, trilateral dialogue, trilateral relations, US-ROK-Japan relations
2013SEP01 Past Events Roundtable with ASEAN Junior Diplomats: North Korean Nuclear Issue and Asia Roundtable with ASEAN Junior Diplomats Tags : ASEAN, Asia, junior diplomats, MOFA, North Korean nuclear issue, Roundtable
2013AUG26 Past Events Bruce Cumings, “Back to the Future: Obama’s ‘Pivot’ to … Closed roundtable with Bruce Cummings, chairman of the History Department at the University of Chicago. Tags : Back to the Future, Bruce Cumings, closed roundtable, historical perspective, Obama Administration, Pivot to Asia, University of Chicago, US rebalancing
2013JUL11 Past Events Asan Cold War Liberalism Project: Maruyama Masao Part of the Asan Cold War Liberalism Project Tags : Asan Cold War Liberalism Project, book launch, Chiba University, civil society, Cold War Liberalism, conference, democracy, East Asia, fascism, international politics, Kobayashi Masaya, liberalism, liberalist, Maruyama Masao, socially active intellectual, subjectivity
2013JUL02 Past Events “President Park’s Southeast Asia Policy” Asan-ROK MOFA joint closed workshop. Tags : ARF, ASEAN, Asia-Pacific, correspondents, Korean Peninsula, MOFA, multilateral security cooperation, workshop
2013JUN27 Past Events Asan-Murdoch Commission Roundtable, “Middle Power Cooperation in the … Closed roundtable with the Murdoch Commission of Western Australia. Tags : Asia-Pacific, Asian Century, Australia, Korea-Australia relations, Korean foreign policy, middle power, middle power cooperation, Murdoch Commission of Australia, public opinion, regional security, Southeast Asia, University of Adelaide
2013JUN26 Past Events Richard Weitz, "U.S. Missile Defense and Its Implications for China, … 34th Dosirak Series with Experts with Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for … Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, Asian implications, BMD, China, DPRK, Hudson Institute, Japan, MD, Northeast Asia, Richard Weitz, ROK, Russia, US