2011OCT12 Past Events Donald Rumsfeld, ″21st Century Challenges in the Pacific and Beyond″ The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted Donald Rum […] Tags : Asan Memorial Lecture, Asia-Pacific, Donald Rumsfeld
2011OCT09 Past Events [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Politics of the Korean … [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Poli […] Tags : Asan Road Show, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, China, election, foreign policy, global issues, international cooperation, national security, nationalism, public opinion, ROK, Think Tanks Conference in China, US
2011OCT03 Past Events Asan Plenum 2011: ″Our Nuclear Future″ Asan Plenum 2011: “Our Nuclear Future& […] Tags : Asan Plenum, deterrence, disarmament, Fukushima nuclear crisis, Japan, Korea, Korean Peninsula, nonproliferation, North Korea, nuclear security, nuclear weapons, peaceful use
2011SEP07 Past Events The Viability of the North Korean Regime The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the 1st As […] Tags : Aidan Foster-Carter, Andrei Lankov, Asan North Korea Conference, Evgeny Morozov, Go Myong-Hyun, Han Byungjin, Han Jung, Hwang Sung-jin, Jo Dong-ho, Lim Soo-ho, Liu Ming, Nicholas Eberstadt, North Korea, North Korean regime, Oh Kongdan, regime security, regime survival, Ronald Wintrobe, viability
2011AUG21 Past Events Asan Chung Ju-Yung: Korea’s Greatest Entrepreneur Seminar with HPAIR Students Topic: “Asan Chung Ju […] Tags : Asan, Chung Ju-Yung, development, economy, entrepreneur, Hahm Chaibong, heavy industries, HPAIR, Hyundai, industrial economy, Korea, philanthropy
2011JUN27 Past Events Marcus Noland, ″Witness to Transformation: Refugee Insights into North … ASAN Experts Series Topic: “Witness t […] Tags : human rights, Marcus Noland, North Korea, North Korean defectors, refugees
2011JUN22 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 12] Toward the Global Norm: Supporting the Minimization of Highly Enriched Uranium in the Civilian Sector By. Miles A. Pomper Over the past three decades, the United States has led […] Tags : Belarus, Civilian, HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium), IAEA, LEU (Low Enriched Uranium), Miles Pomper, Nuclear, Nuclear Security Summit, Russia
2011MAY29 Past Events William Overholt, ″Northeast Asia After Financial Crisis″ On May 30, 2011, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies […] Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, China, economy, financial crisis, Japan, Korea, Northeast Asia, William Overholt
2011MAY25 Issue Briefs Analysis of the 4.27 Special Election Results and the 2012 Presidential Election By. Kim Jiyoon The special election held on April 27, 2011 to fill 38 […] Tags : April Special Election, Bundang, Democratic Party (DP), Gimhae, Grand National Party (GNP, Korean politics, Park Geun-hye, People's Participation Party (PPP), presidential election, Saenuri)
2011MAY15 Past Events Northeast Asia after 2012 The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted a joint wo […] Tags : Asan-FOI, China, elections, joint workshop, North Korea, Northeast Asia, power transition, powerful and prosperous nation, regional security, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, US