2014JAN02 Issue Briefs Why North Korea 2013 Is Not East Germany 1989 By John Feffer Certain assumptions that carry over from the East European experience of 1989 cloud the debate on North Korea’s future.
2014JAN22 Upcoming Events Asan-AAAS Workshop on CBRN Disasters (Washington, D.C.) Joint workshop with the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
2013DEC27 Past Events Bridget Coggins, “Maritime Piracy in Northeast Asia: Assessing Costs and … 38th Asan Dosirak Series with Bridget Coggins, Asan-CFR Fellow. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series
2013DEC24 Past Events International Law Perspectives on China’s ADIZ and Japan’s … International law forum co-hosted by the Asan Institute and the Seoul International Law Academy (SILA).
2013DEC24 Past Events Sameh Elyazal, “Egypt’s Political Future” Closed roundtable with Sameh Seif Elyazal, Chairman of the Al Gomhouria Center for Political and Security Studies (Egypt). Tags : civil-military relations, democracy, Egypt
2013DEC27 Upcoming Events Bridget L. Coggins, “Maritime Piracy in Northeast Asia: Assessing Costs and Enhancing Security” Asan Dosirak Series with Dr. Bridget L. Coggins, Asan-CFR Fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Tags : Piracy
2013DEC19 Past Events Hamid Alawadhi, “The Future of the Arab Spring” Closed roundtable with Hamid Alawadhi, Dean of the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yemen.
2013DEC06 Publications Do Sanctions Work? The Iran Sanctions Regime and Its Implications for Korea By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee Proceedings book comparing economic sanctions on Iran and North Korea. Tags : Nuclear, regional security
2013DEC03 Past Events A Conversation with Nicolas Berggruen and Hahm Chaibong A conversation with Nicolas Berggruen, founder and chairman of Berggruen Holdings.
2013NOV30 Issue Briefs North Korea as Iran’s Counterfactual: a Comparison of Iran and North Korea Sanctions By Go Myong-Hyun A comparison of US, EU, and UN sanctions on Iran and North Korea. Tags : North Korea