event BI

Participant Biographies

Luis Echávarri

Luis Echávarri

Director-General, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Challenges and Opportunities after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Mr. Echávarri is the director-general of the Nuclear Energy Agency in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. He is also a member of the IAEA International Nuclear Safety Group (INSAG) and the International Nuclear Energy Academy (INEA). Previously, he was the director-general of the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum; commissioner of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council; CSN technical director; engineer for Westinghouse Electric; and project manager at the Lemoniz, Sayago, and Almaraz nuclear power plants. He received his M.A. from the Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineering at Bilbao University and from the Complutensis University of Madrid, and a post-graduate degree from the Industrial Organisation School of Madrid.