2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2019SEP04 Past Events Asan Roundtable with Harald Støren, Director, Asia Desk, Policy Planning, … Tags : China, denuclearization, Past Events, Roundtable, US-North Korea Summit, US-ROK Alliance
2017JUN05 Asan Korea Perspective Asan Korea Perspective Vol. 2 No. 12 (2017.05.22 – 2017.06.04) President Moon’s Special Envoys On May 24, President Mo […] Tags : Asan Korea Perspective
2017MAY22 Asan Korea Perspective Asan Korea Perspective Vol.2 No.11 (2017.05.08 – 2017.05.21) Telephone Diplomacy after the South Korean Presi […] Tags : Asan Korea Perspective
2015JUN11 Latest Activities Woo Jung-Yeop speaks at Hill Briefing “South Korea Responds to Crisis” in … By Woo Jung-Yeop FPI Hill Briefing: South Korea Responds to Crisi […]
2015APR06 Latest Activities South Korea’s Role in the U.S. Rebalance to Asia By Woo Jung-Yeop On April 6, 2015 the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI) co-hosted a panel with the University of Maine …
2014APR24 Publications South Korean Attitudes on the Korea-US Alliance and Northeast Asia By Choi Kang, Kim Jiyoon, Karl Friedhoff, Kang Chungku, Lee Euicheol Report based on public opinion surveys conducted in March 2014. Tags : public opinion survey
2014JAN24 Past Events Sen. Marco Rubio, “U.S. Policy Toward Asia” A Conversation with Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) about U.S. Policy Toward Asia.
2013DEC24 Past Events International Law Perspectives on China’s ADIZ and Japan’s … International law forum co-hosted by the Asan Institute and the Seoul International Law Academy (SILA).
2013SEP23 Issue Briefs Budget Driven Defense: Implications of Potential Shifts in US Defense Posture for the Korean Peninsula and the Asia-Pacific in … By J. James Kim Sequestration and defense spending cuts in the US are a reality that South Korea must begin planning for. Tags : Asia-Pacific, Budget Control Act, budget driven defense, DoD, DR307, DRP2020, LPP, North Korean military capability, Regional Issue, SCMR, SMA, US defense posture, US military, USFK, YRP