2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2017MAY22 Asan Korea Perspective Asan Korea Perspective Vol.2 No.11 (2017.05.08 – 2017.05.21) Telephone Diplomacy after the South Korean Presi […] Tags : Asan Korea Perspective
2013NOV14 Past Events Asan Beijing Forum 2013, “Korea and China: Next 20 Years” Session sketches, full videos, photos, and more are now available. Tags : Asan Beijing Forum, Beijing, China, East Asia, East Asian economic order, East Asian regional order, Korean Peninsula, New Model of China-US Relations, Next 20 Years, politics of history, ROK-China relations
2013MAR24 Past Events Vuong Thua Phong, “Key Issues in Northeast Asian Security Architecture” Roundtable with a senior Vietnamese delegation led by Mr. Vuong Thua Phong, Deputy Head of the Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Tags : Roundtable, territorial disputes, Vietnam, Vuong Thua Phong
2012NOV21 Issue Briefs To Apologize and To Forgive: Lessons for Asia from Europe’s Struggle with History By Thomas U. Berger, Bong Youngshik Improved Japanese-Korean relations can provide the kernel around which a truly integrated East Asia can form. Tags : Comfort Women, Dokdo, Europe, Germany, Guilt, History, Japan, reconciliation, Regional Issue, Thomas Rerger
2012OCT09 Past Events The ‘Comfort Women’ issue: Is there solution? The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the A […] Tags : Comfort Women, Imperialist Japan, Japan, Japanese military, ROK-Japan relations
2012MAR11 Issue Briefs Oil Price Stability Expected Despite the Iranian Crisis: Iran Striving for Depoliticized OPEC By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee International oil prices are likely to stabilize in the long-term owing to the cooperation-inducing systems within OPEC. Tags : economy, Iran, Oil, OPEC, sanctions
2011DEC15 Issue Briefs Yellow Sea Turning Red: Darker Views of China among South Koreans By Woo Jung-Yeop, Leif-Eric Easley Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishme […] Tags : China, Poll, public opinion, yellow sea