Asan Plenum

Session: Session 3
Date/Time: April 27, 2016 / 10:45-12:15

Kim Sang-Hyup, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology

Christian Egenhofer, Centre for European Policy Studies
Sarah Wade-Apicella, The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
John Bruce Wells, U.S. Agency for International Development

Panel Description
Climate change affects every corner of the globe. At the end of 2015, representatives of 196 countries attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris to negotiate a deal that would reduce carbon emissions and slow global warming. The finalization of the Paris Agreement does not mean that the international community has resolved all diplomatic problems related to global cooperation on climate change. The Paris Agreement still has implementation issues. In the “New Normal,” countries facing a host of new, non-traditional insecurities will have to continue working together to overcome long-term global warming. How can both developed and developing countries work together to stop climate change?