2015OCT07 Past Events Paramount issue faced with North Korea is Denuclearization Asan Special Lecture by Antony J. Blinken, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
2015JUN11 Latest Activities Woo Jung-Yeop speaks at Hill Briefing “South Korea Responds to Crisis” in … By. Woo Jung-Yeop FPI Hill Briefing: South Korea Responds to Crisi […]
2015JUN08 Past Events Asan D.C. Office Seminar, “The ROK-US Alliance: Facing Missile and Nuclear … Asan Seminar with Thomas Karako(CSIS) in Washington, DC. Tags : US-ROK Alliance
2015JUN05 Past Events Amb. Lamberto Zannier, "European Experiences and Lessons for Northeast … Asan Roundtable with Amb. Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Co-operation …
2015APR06 Latest Activities South Korea’s Role in the U.S. Rebalance to Asia By. Woo Jung-Yeop On April 6, 2015 the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI) co-hosted a panel with the University of Maine …
2014OCT14 Past Events Challenges and Opportunities Facing US-Japan Relations: A US Perspective Asan Dosirak Series with Brad Glossserman, Executive Director of Pacific Forum CSIS. Tags : US-Japan relations
2014APR24 Publications South Korean Attitudes on the Korea-US Alliance and Northeast Asia By. Choi Kang, Kim Jiyoon, Karl Friedhoff, Kang Chungku, Lee Euicheol Report based on public opinion surveys conducted in March 2014. Tags : public opinion survey
2014JAN24 Past Events Sen. Marco Rubio, “U.S. Policy Toward Asia” A Conversation with Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) about U.S. Policy Toward Asia.
2013DEC24 Past Events International Law Perspectives on China’s ADIZ and Japan’s … International law forum co-hosted by the Asan Institute and the Seoul International Law Academy (SILA).
2013OCT30 Past Events Asan DC Seminar, “Managing ROK-US Relations” Full-day seminar in Washington, DC on the 60th anniversary of ROK-US relations. Tags : Asan Seminar, Korean politics, Kurt Campbell, liberal international order, Mark Minton, national security, public opinion, regional security, ROK-US Alliance, ROK-US relations, The Korea Society, unification