Participant Biographies

Yves Doutriaux

Yves Doutriaux

Counsellor of State, Council of State, France
Plenary Session III - "Non-Traditional Insecurity"

Amb. Yves Doutriaux is Counsellor of State, a judge in Supreme Court administrative cases, legal adviser to the government on International Accords inter alia, advisor on anti-discriminations to the “Défenseur des Droits,” and Associate Professor in Public Affairs (Paris 1 Sorbonne) and Geopolitics (Paris-Dauphine). Previously, he was Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (2003-06) Vienna, Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations (1998-2002) New York, Spokesperson MFA Paris (1995-98), Consul General of France to Canada (1992-98), Counsellor to the French Permanent Mission to the European Union (1988-1992) Brussels. He received an M.A. in economics from Université Paris-Sorbonne.