Morris Fiorina
Dr. Fiorina is the Wendt Family Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and a senior fellow of the Hoover Institution. He received an undergraduate degree from Allegheny College (1968) and a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester (1972), and taught at the California Institute of Technology and Harvard University before coming to Stanford in 1998. Dr. Fiorina has written widely on American government and politics, with special emphasis on topics in the study of representation and elections. He has served on the editorial boards of a dozen journals in the fields of political science, political economy, law, and public policy, and from 1986-1990 served as chairman of the Board of Overseers of the American National Election Studies. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. In 2006, the Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior Section of the American Political Science Association awarded him the Warren E. Miller Prize for career contributions to the field. Most recently he was named the 2009 Harold Lasswell Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences.