2016MAY30 Past Events Republican Senators Reaffirm U.S.-R.O.K Alliance amidst Presidential Race : A Conversation with U.S. Senators Joni Ernst, Cory Gardner, and Dan Sullivan
2016MAY03 Public Opinion Surveys South Koreans and Their Neighbors 2016 Asan Public Opinion Survey Report
2016JAN07 Issue Briefs 就北韩第四次核试验相关研判与对策座谈 By Chun Yungwoo, Choi Kang, Park Jiyoung, Go Myong-Hyun, Ahn Sung Kyoo [Issue Brief] 助爆型裂变武器显现核弹头小型化之可能性… 决定部署“萨德”系统的时机
2016JAN07 Issue Briefs North Korea’s 4th Nuclear Test and the Int’l Response By Chun Yungwoo, Choi Kang, Park Jiyoung, Go Myong-Hyun, Ahn Sung Kyoo [Special Round Table] The possibility of a miniaturized boosted nuclear fission bomb and the THAAD decision Tags : 4th nuclear test, North Korea
2015DEC29 Issue Briefs Upgrading Myanmar-China Relations to International Standards By Jonathan T. Chow, Leif-Eric Easley [Issue Brief] Jonathan T. Chow, Leif-Eric Easley Tags : alliance, China, democratization, development, foreign aid, Myanmar, political reform, trade
2015DEC10 Past Events ROK needs more preventive planning to decrease future risks of conflict Asan Roundtable with Dr. Paul B. Stares
2015NOV11 Past Events “Mega-FTAs in the Pacific and the Atlantic” Asan Roundtable with Professor Vinod K. Aggarwal