2015MAY21 Past Events Asan D.C. Office Seminar, “Revisiting Korea-Japan Relations” Asan Seminar with Brad Glosserman (CSIS) and Scott Snyder (CFR) in Washington, DC. Tags : Asan-DC Office
2015MAY12 Past Events Francis Fukuyama, “American Politics and Democratic Decay” Asan roundtable with Prof. Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University.
2015APR20 Publications Measuring A Giant: South Korean Perceptions of the United States By Kim Jiyoon, John J. Lee, Kang Chungku [Asan Report] KIM Jiyoon, John J. Lee, KANG Chungku Tags : public opinion survey
2015APR17 Issue Briefs Climate and Carbon Markets: Options for South Korea By Federico Gallo, Kim Chong Woo [Issue Brief] Federico Gallo, Chong Woo Kim Tags : regional securiy
2015APR17 Issue Briefs Over the Rainbow: Public Attitude Toward LGBT in South Korea By Kim Jiyoon, Bong Youngshik, John J. Lee, Kang Chungku [Issue Brief] KIM Jiyoon, BONG Youngshik, John J. Lee, KANG Chungku Tags : public opinion survey
2015APR06 Latest Activities South Korea’s Role in the U.S. Rebalance to Asia By Woo Jung-Yeop On April 6, 2015 the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI) co-hosted a panel with the University of Maine …
2015APR01 Past Events Alon Levkowitz, “North Korea-Middle East and the New Israeli … Asan Roundtable with Dr. Alon Levkowitz, Research Fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
2015MAR27 Past Events Johannes Urpelainen, “Renewables: The Political History of a Global Energy … Asan Roundtable with Johannes Urpelainen, Associate Professor of Political Science at Columbia University