2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2015MAR06 Upcoming Events “The Future of Nuclear Energy Cooperation: Lessons, Challenges, and Opportunities Presented by the US-ROK Relationship.” The Asan Institute for Policy Studies together with the […]
2014JAN22 Past Events Science and Technology to Prevent and Respond to CBRN Disasters: U.S. and … Asan-American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) joint workshop on CBRN disasters.
2014JAN24 Upcoming Events Asan-Carnegie RT, “What Will 2014 Bring for North Korea’s Nuclear Program?” By Choi Kang, Shin Chang-Hoon, Go Myong-Hyun, Park Jiyoung Joint roundtable with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.
2013AUG05 Past Events “North Korea’s Technical Skills Analysis” Closed roundtable discussing the current technological status of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles. Tags : disclosed data, missiles, North Korea, North Korean nuclear weapons, technical skills analysis
2013FEB20 Past Events John L. Casti, “A World in Crisis: Fukushima to the Eurozone” 30th Asan Dosirak Series with Experts with John L. Casti, co-founder of The X-Center. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, crisis, Eurozone, extreme incidents, Fukushima, John L. Casti, policy making, The X-Center, X-events