2020JUN18 Issue Briefs Not Under Pressure- How Pressure Leaked Out of North Korea Sanctions By. Go Myong-Hyun [Issue Brief] Go Myong-hyun Tags : Issue Brief, maximum pressure and engagement, North Korea, North Korean economy, OFAC, SDN, UN sanctions, US
2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2018DEC27 Publications Exploring Possibilities: Minimum Number of Inspections Required to Detect a … By. Kim Chong Woo, Ham Geon Hee [Asan Report] KIM Chong Woo, HAM Geon Hee Tags : Asan Report, denuclearization, Mathematical Models, North Korea’s Nuclear, WMD facilities
2014FEB15 Books [Palgrave Macmillan] Japan in Crisis About the Book Produced as the result of an Asan […] Tags : Regional Issue
2014JAN22 Past Events Science and Technology to Prevent and Respond to CBRN Disasters: U.S. and … Asan-American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) joint workshop on CBRN disasters.
2013OCT07 Past Events Robert Einhorn, “Future of ROK-US Nuclear Cooperation” Roundtable with Robert Einhorn, Fmr. Special Advisor for Nonproliferation and Arms Control, State Department. Tags : enrichment, nuclear fuel, nuclear power plant exports, Robert Einhorn, ROK-US nuclear cooperation, Roundtable, spent fuel reprocessing, US-ROK 123 agreement, US-ROK Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
2013SEP01 Past Events Roundtable with ASEAN Junior Diplomats: North Korean Nuclear Issue and Asia Roundtable with ASEAN Junior Diplomats Tags : ASEAN, Asia, junior diplomats, MOFA, North Korean nuclear issue, Roundtable
2013AUG11 Issue Briefs Middle East Q&A: Iran’s New Moderate President and Resetting the Relationship By. Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee Who is Hassan Rouhani and what does his election mean for South Korean interests in the Middle East? Tags : DPRK-Iran relations, Hassan Rouhani, Iran, Iranian nuclear program, Middle East, reformist-centrist faction, Regional Issue, resetting the relationship, ROK-Iran trade relations, sanctions, US Iran policy
2013JUL29 Past Events 2nd KONICOF-KAIST Nuclear Energy Policy Course Sponsored by the Asan Institute, ROK Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning and the Korean Nuclear Society. Tags : KAIST, KONICOF, MSIP, nuclear development, nuclear energy policy, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear governance, nuclear policy, nuclear technology
2013JUL11 Past Events NSGEG Workshop, “Influencing the Outcomes of the 2014 Nuclear Security … Joint workshop between the Asan Institute, the Partnership for Global Security, and the Stanley Foundation in … Tags : 2014 Nuclear Security Summit, Austria, communication strategy, hard governance, NSGEG, nuclear security governance, PGS, soft governance, The Stanley Foundation, Vienna